
Executive Committee (Officers):  considers all matters presented to it by the President, the Council, or individual members and make appropriate recommendations for action; assists the President in setting the agenda for Council meetings.  This Committee meets one week prior to the Council meeting and called for special meetings as needed.

Membership Committee:  The Membership Committee maintains a current membership roster; maintains attendance records of all meetings; oversees the selection of Council representatives; and annually reviews the Council's membership structure to assure that all areas of the university are appropriately represented.

Communications Committee:  plans to participate with Information Fairs where university employees can meet Council representatives and learn about Council activities; works with Emory Report to publicize the Council and its activities; and supports other efforts to increase awareness throughout the university community of the Council's purpose and activities.

Hardship Fund Committee:  shall be responsible for creating awareness and soliciting donations for the Emory University Hardship Fund.

Special Issues & Event Committee:  Addresses issues identified by the Council President, the Executive Committee or the Council including the annual Town Hall/Leadership Social with the university president and their leadership team. 

University Senate Representation:  The Senate ex‐officio members (President, President‐elect, and immediate Past President), selected representatives, and Senate Committee members shall comprise the Senate Representative Committee of Staff Council. This Committee is chaired by the immediate Past President of the Council and convened as needed.