Helpful Resources

We believe the links below to be helpful to everyone: whether you need to place a work order to get a door fixed, or reach out for IT support, to promoting good health and great relationships, and more!

Office of DEI

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” is more than a name, it is a spirit.

Emory Ombuds

Our principles are 'Confidential, Impartial, Informal and Independent'.


OSRL is a university-wide office charged with supporting Emory’s religious and philosophical diversity.


"FSAP is here to support and provide services to faculty and staff who are experiencing a myriad of emotions and reactions . . ."

B&A Division

'The Business and Administration division facilitates supporting Emory and its mission'.

Campus Services

Put a work order in to fix a door knob, a leaky faucet, anything facility oriented!


Emory Express, Compass Financials, training , . .

Human Resources

Benefits, Staff Resources, Leave, Holiday Dates . . .


Recycling, Composting, Educational Gardens, Climate Resources . . .


Place a Service ticket for technology assistance and info . . .

Emory Libraries

Books, digital collections, technology, research assistance, study and production spaces . . .

The Carlos Museum

"Spend the day a world away" with our curated collections . . .

Healthy Emory

"It's much easier to develop healthy habits when you're keeping track of them!"

Emory Healthcare

Connect with the MyChart Patient Portal, find a physician and more!

Emory Savings Marketplace

Your exclusive discount marketplace (must sign in to access).

Emory Votes

'The Emory Votes Initiative fosters a more engaged campus providing nonpartisan voter information, supporting voter turnout . . .'